Create great jobs!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

So many people say “I can’t get good employees who stay.”  They are right when they identify this as a big problem.  Having to get new people all the time is expensive, and training them is time-consuming.  Quality and productivity suffers.  

But if you had great jobs, people would stay, right?  So how about looking at it this way – one of the key products your company creates is great jobs!  

Build jobs people love.  They want to feel important, trained and capable, and like they matter.  They want to be rewarded for good or great performances and have some control over their workday.  They want to be appreciated and it’s important that their immediate supervisor and other leaders are open and friendly and like them.  If they feel leaders care about them and their success – that’s big.  They want to know how they fit in the big picture and don’t mind having their performance measured – they want to know how to win.  They want to be trained and empowered.  They want to be included in on communication and what is going on.  They want to work in a nice physical space and like the people they work with.  They want fairness and don’t like gossip or office politics. They certainly DO NOT want to be yelled at or embarrassed. They want stability and don’t want to live in fear that their job is in jeopardy.  

Can you create jobs like that?  Can you DESIGN your company to have jobs like that?

If you do, you will never have to worry about getting “good people” again.  You will draw the best out of ordinary people, and top people will want to work for you.  Your people will stay and become experienced and need less training.  In fact they can train new people.  Customer satisfaction will go up and so will your results.

Get on it!


Neil Stark

Hello Larry,
I really appreciate your Think Daily emails, but this one around creating great jobs really struck a chord with me.
My business is in IT in the UK and trying to find good people to fill jobs is not easy.
Thinking of it in terms of creating great jobs being another product of the business is the perfect way to look at it. As always, thinking of each situation from the other person’s point of view, whether that’s a customer or employee is the key to success in my opinion.



Michael Haydamous

Today I am grateful to everything I learned from you!


Excellent perspective. Here are three things I’ve learned that help keep people on board:
+feel they are winning
+feel they are understood (listened to)
+feel safe

Michael Mitchell

Great perspective!!

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