Many of us are solving problems every day. If you are a perfectionist, you are trying to be perfect and have probably been working on getting really good at being the best at what you are already doing, never looking up and out.
But the people who make the most progress are finding the right problems to solve.
What problem can you solve that will solve 10 or 100 or 1000 other problems?
I appreciate your emails and I have been reading them faithfully every morning at 5:00 am since you started. Thank you
Often times we overlook the obvious, and sometimes smallest of things that will make the largest impact. For me, I operate as a leader on the idea that I manage what’s right in front of me at that time. I have found that if I do that, I will get to the root of a problem and have a solution rather than a speculation on what the issue is.
I think it’s amazing that you find the time to write two messages every day! I appreciate and look forward to the read to start my day.
I feel the same as the others who have posted comments here.
It’s remarkable that you have done two posts daily since 2009! Yet again remarkable things are expected from remarkable people and Larry you are exceptionally remarkable.
I read them both daily!