“To dramatically speed up business processes, implement a new structure, shorten product development cycles, and make decisions faster. To better serve customers – SLOW DOWN.” – Tom Peters
It’s true. As a customer, we don’t like when people rush us and don’t have a lot of time for us. We like it when people slow down and listen, answer our questions, and take an interest in us. Isn’t that true?
Surely people like speed in some small simple transactions. But in my value-added business, spending more time with prospects and customers is a big competitive advantage.
Do you take enough time with your customers?
Well said Larry. There’s a ton of data out there proving you’re better off with fewer customers taking better care of them. The trap is how many is ‘enough’, but that’s another discussion 🙂
Book reccomendation – Time traps
(Skip time savings content and dig in on margins around customer satisfaction. No one reading this is succumbing to social media and surfing the web during work hours).
I love my Husqvarna too! 🙂
Santa dropped of a Husky 562XP 24″ pro. Let the games begin.
My husband loves his Husqvarna backpack leaf blower. And so do I..I didn’t have to help rake this fall…