Is that a bad thing? We'll see….

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The only survivor of a shipwreck woke up on a deserted island.  He walked the perimeter looking for ships to save him, but saw none.

Each day he scavenged for food and materials to build a shelter.  After several weeks he managed to put together a shelter from the sun and rain.  He kept a small fire in his camp to keep warm on cool nights.

One day he returned from scavenging to his hut and found it in flames.  The wind had blown an ember and caught it on fire.  He fell back in sadness, devastated by his loss.

Soon after he looked up to see a ship approaching the tiny island.  He was saved at last.

He asked the Captain, “What made you come here and find me?”

The Captain replied, “We saw the smoke from your fire”.

What is or has happened in your life that you first thought was bad but now is good?

Ed Clarke

Good one!


Love it!

Jeff Russell

My life as a child was challenging to say the least, I left home at an early age, turns out that by doing so, my life was better than I could’ve ever imagined. I lived a fantasy life in high school and made lifelong friends that, to this day are the people in my life I count on the most! What I thought was going to be a life of torment ended up being a life filled with fun and excitement and an awesome family with two amazing daughters that will challenge the world. Mostly because I took the chance to make it better on my own! Like you, Larry. I don’t quit. It’s not in my nature to run from anything! I’ll run to an issue instead of away every time. If you know me, you know that about me.

Lisa Pant

How about needing a job after being laid off with a son in college and randomly walking into your building looking for work. Luckily, you gave me a chance and 20 years later, I’m still here.. Thanks for todays blog.. loved it.


Wow! Great read!

Jim Burlison

10X message Larry – Thank you!

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