Leadership – Long term vs short term thinking

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I think about a leader who has an attitude of here to stay, here forever, no other plan, I bet it all on making this work……..and one who is here for me, here for the payout, here to flip this, here for my ease and comfort, here for my ego, here until I get another gig.

There is a big difference.  Some can fool people for a little while, but based on the leaders actions and words, and attitude over time, they figure it out.  

Of course, there are many other dimensions of leadership that factor in. 

Short-term leaders get the money sometimes, but they leave an organization in shambles as their legacy, with unhappy employees and customers in their wake.

Willis Ponds

Good Morning Larry!
I often refer to the short-term leader mentality as a “slash-and-burn” philosophy. Unfortunately that mentality and philosophy is rampant in the business world. It leads right back to selfishness and doing what’s “best” for oneself at that moment. It’s trying to reap rewards before the effort has been made. It never leads to anything good in the long run and just leaves a path of destruction behind.

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