The good leader winds up with the good people

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I love this idea and I have seen it play out dozens of times.  

So lets say you have two kinds of leaders.  One good, and one bad.  The good leader thinks long-term, genuinely likes his people and wants them to succeed, genuinely cares about customers, is humble and listens, is leading to build something great far into the future, handles crises well, and is a good person.

The bad leader is here for himself, may be thinking short term, thinks he knows it all, snaps at people, thinks employees are stupid tools, has a superiority complex, doesn’t listen, doesn’t care if his people or customers get what they want…you get the idea.

So here is the phenomenon.  Whether this happens as a leader starts the business from the beginning, or if a leader takes over a team that has been together some time (no matter what that teams condition is), it still happens.

The bad leader chases away good employees.  Good employees have a choice of where they can work, they will not put up with mistreatment, and they want a leader that they know will lead them to a good future.  The bad employees stay.  They have fewer choices for where to work and lower standards.  They put up with the bad leader and get even by doing the minimum and keeping their head down.  The bad attitudes rub off on everyone.  This organization cannot attract new good employees.  Over time, the bad leader has all the bad employees.

The good leader chases away all the bad employees.  They can’t hide out in this company.  The leader doesn’t put up with bad attitudes or low performers (even if they are nice people).  Good employees stay and give their best because they like the leader, and don’t want to let down the leader or their teammates.  This team attracts new good employees.  If this team makes a bad hire, the rest of the employees call out the new person and a problem and they don’t last long.  In this way, the good leader winds up with all the good employees.

Leadership is the key.

How has this played out at your company?

Departments in your company? 

Sean P Perry

Good morning Larry!
I see this playing out. I’m thankful for an amazing field team that I am connected with, a team that refers other great people and doesn’t tolerate sub-par performance. The same with the office team! But it hasn’t always been this way. Years of growth, hard learning, and becoming a better leader. It has not been easy but it is easier than it has been with great people!

Johnny Mack Seiber

Thanks Larry!!! So true. Leading with integrity and love for your people and caring about the environment that you foster makes a huge difference in the success of your team and company.

Dan Kniseley

Wow, Larry – great topic and dissertation! I’ve seen this play out SOOO many times, and this is a GREAT expression and reminder of how and why that happens.
Thank You, Sir!

Michael Rewis

I’ve been around the block a few times now. Seen a few good and even fewer GREAT teams created and then destroyed by exactly what you mention in today’s message. I will no longer sit silent or stay in a situation of remaining complacent with poor employees or management. It is too difficult to return to momentum when you’ve become stagnant. Better to move on and let the chips fall where they may instead. I’ll take it on the chin before I’ll succumb to that scenario ever again. Keep up the great work Larry. You’re helping make us all better.

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