Good Character Traits – Do you have these?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Character – the inherent complex of attributes that determine a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions.

I’m willing to bet that 99.9 % of Think Daily subscribers would say they have good character.  But like a recipe that has all the right ingredients but is missing something, what would you say you are missing to move forward?

As an Eagle Scout, let me give you the Scout Law and you can think about what measure of each of these you may be somewhat deficient in – 













That’s 12 traits.  It’s complex.  There are so many more that weigh in on your overall character.  Let me add a few more character traits I think are really important.



Self-Disciplined  (To me this one is very very high on the list)

Mentally strong




Physically strong (energetic)

How do you rate yourself in these areas?

What other character traits are important to living a fulfilling, meaningful, fully actualized life?

Tell me with the orange button!





It seems like you have about covered them all, when we incorporate those with these we definitely can’t lose……..”love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.” Gal 5:22



Bryan DeJong

I watched “until the wheels fall off” yesterday, a documentary about a bike race I think you’d enjoy. Reminded me of you and your racing endeavors.

Richard Louis

All of those traits listed in a man without HUMILITY (empathetic/caring) and/or from one who fails to encourage others (helpful – by Speaking Life into the world) loses all value to a society.

Dave Waldenberg


Mike Mitchell

I too was a Boy Scout and like the Scout Law. I have fallen short in each of these areas at various times, but am continually striving to improve in each of these areas.

John Favors

Thanks for the daily posts Larry. I’d venture to say 90% of the folks reading this are getting after it, but we all know excellence lies in the last 10%. For me, these typically call out the 10% (sometimes 30) I need to tighten up.

Ken Clark

The Scout Law and Oath are timeless! From one Eagle to another thank you for raising these attributes to all. It’s like “doing a good deed daily”!!

Mary Lawrence

Good Morning to you as well Larry!! Currently, I lack in the physical/energy category and probably need more spirituality in my life. We must also always stay HUMBLE. Thank you for the shout out today! Have a great Monday!

Jack Torossian

Good morning Larry,
we like to have Peace of mind, think for others.


Do something nice for someone, and then don’t tell anyone.


My definition of character is
What you do when the only one watching is GOD

Lisa Pant

Being Truthful is on the top of my list. I can’t stand liars. It’s slightly different from being Trustworthy which is also very important to me.

Mitch Ruffalo

Ahhh! The 12 points of the Scout law, I like it. I’m an old scouter myself. Scoutmaster for Troop 122 Newark NY
I’m pretty good on most if not all the points.

Jim Daech

Another great think daily post! I look forward to receiving every day!

Tanner Janesky


Julia Ann A Norris


Brandon Carr


Michael Carrafa

The think daily which talked about character traits made me think of rapport and what it means to me when building relationships with people.
Rapport is defined as a good sense of understanding and trust e.g. If you have good rapport with your neighbors, they won’t mind if you kick your ball onto their property every now and then. If you have rapport with someone, you two communicate with trust and sympathy. *
I think rapport really defines what a good relationship is, whether it is professional or personal. When you say you have rapport with someone, it’s more than just ‘getting along with them’ or that ‘you know them’ I believe it implies something deeper, an intrinsic value of relationships that are closer than an acquaintance. Trust is an intrinsic part of good relationships so when you say you have good ‘rapport’ with someone, you are saying a lot more about that relationship than simply signifying that ‘you know that person.’

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