Character is Destiny

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Good character determines the outcome of your life.  We should talk about it more with others and with kids.

The dictionary says – Character – the inherent complex of attributes that determine a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions.

I think it’s more than moral and ethical reactions.  It’s how you show up in life – with yourself and others.

It is complex.  We could have lots of good character traits – honesty, loyalty, cleanliness, but missing something such as kindness, and people think we are unapproachable and we don’t get opportunities because they don’t like us.

Or we could be trustworthy, reliable, helpful, friendly, and cheerful but not brave, and we don’t step out of our comfort zone and we play small and don’t learn new things and break new ground in our lives.

How would you assess your character?  Can you see how it explains a lot about where you are today?


Cricket Douglas

Thank you for the valuable share. This brings clarity in how we show up in the lives of others. Self awareness is found when inventory is taken, we strive for being authentic but we must know first who the author of our character is. Finding him will give us a better understanding of who we are and how we should be. Have a blessed day.

Michael Fraser

We also sometimes have a character trait that we would like to show more often – mine is integrity, which I make an effort to display daily.

Willis Ponds

“Good Character” is very much relative to the person observing. Often they will admire certain character traits, abhor others and see the rest as inconsequential. The ONE character trait that I believe is essential in every person is trustworthiness. Even trustworthiness is defined differently by different people. My definition of trustworthy is that you do what you say you will do and do not lie, steal or cheat. And if you do slip up (usually by accident) you do your best to make it right as soon as possible. I have found that once you have a reputation for being trustworthy the number of opportunities in life explodes!

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