What's right for others may not be right for you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We are all different.  We have different talents and ambitions.  We will be fulfilled and truly content with one journey, while the same journey may be completely wrong for someone else.  And vice versa.

Living the life our parents wanted us to live, or that our friends are living leads a lot of people 10 or 20 or 30 years in feeling something is really missing or wrong.  They were not true to themselves.  They were living the life they thought they were supposed to live, instead of the one they were born for.

Pay attention.  Listen to the voice inside.  Take steps in that direction.  If it’s not right you can always step back or go left or right and find the right path for you.


Jeff Russell

Good morning Larry!

Jay Church

Good morning from Indiana!

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