Stay on Highest Value Activities!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

This is a simple fifteen-minute exercise that is worth a LOT of money.

Get a sheet of paper out and draw a line down the middle.  Make a list of all the things you do in a week in the left column.

Hold that dept meeting, review these reports, write this up, meet with so and so, check on progress of______ , open the mail, talk to _______ , pay these bills, train, manage ________ , job interviews, etc. etc.  Then include the things you don’t do but should – capital allocation, process improvement, better marketing, improving your offering, innovation, finding the right people…

Now in the right column put the activity that brings you the MOST VALUE (now or in the future) at the top.  Prioritize it from highest value to least value.

Now ask, why would I even do things at the bottom of the list that are lower value uses of my time?  Focus on the top of the list.  Delegate or eliminate the lower part of the list.

Prioritization is a master skill of high achievers.  We are all doing stuff all day long.  Some are doing work that is of much higher value. 

You are the leader.  Be that person.  HVA – All The Way!


Dustin Coffey

Absolutely! The daily messages can be affirming but also “Hey, get your head out of the sand” messages, both of which I need in business and life in general. Thank you for commitment to getting these out consistently Larry!

Alexis Litz

Yes, I start every single day with your messages. It has made a positive difference in my life. Your messages are uplifting with a proper dose of tough love. Thank you for all that you do!

Steven Tetreault

Definitely! Your message always seems to be just the right timing for what I need to hear and then put into action. Thanks for all the encouraging messages and support.

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