Be grateful for your business

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Business owners and leaders are trying to get an outcome that they often don’t have yet.  They are hurrying.  Ok, WE are hurrying to the future. 

We see imperfection and trouble and responsibility and work to be done.  We don’t like it.  We’re trying to solve problems and they keep coming.  We develop a pattern of thinking that becomes us.

Let’s stop for a minute.

“Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.” – Soren Kierkegaard

Let’s pause and be grateful we get to do this.  Let’s remember where we started and see the progress we have made.  Let’s be grateful for the people who show up every day to help us.  Let’s be grateful for our customers who want what we do.

Yes, it can be hard work, especially if we aren’t a true expert yet, but it has so many wonderful elements if we will not forget to recognize and acknowledge them.  

It will never be done, and never be perfect and there is no finish line.

But we get to do this. 

Enjoy it today.

Justin Dobson

I needed this reminder today……I “GET” to do this. Many people don’t get to experience running their own business, building relationships, providing a place to work for people, giving second chances, and more.

Richard Goulet

Thanks – Words that I need to read often. I am always forgetting that this is what I wanted.

Matt Rosen

Love this!!!!

Edward Krieger

Thanks, Larry!
Most of the time I am hurrying to my future, today I will add being grateful to my shooting my arrow daily exercise as a practice.
What a wonderful life we have!

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