The Dunning – Kruger Effect

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is that smart people think they are dumber than they are, and dumb people think they are smarter than they are.

Dumb (ignorant) people think the body of knowledge to be known is small and that they know most of it.  They are overconfident as they overestimate their ability to do something they know little about, including their ability to judge it or comment on it intelligently.

It’s probably not a good idea to be in this group very often.

Smart people realize that the more they learn, the more they did not know already, and the more there is to know and learn.

“The more I learn, the less I realize I know.” – Socrates

tom matthews

People sometimes struggle to define humility. One of the key elements of this virtue is keeping your heart and mind open to learning more each day, about yourself and others.

Mary Lawrence

Thank you Larry, I loved this. I never feel like I am smart enough, and often feel like there is so much that I don’t know. I will continue to push myself, and try to help others, to learn more!!

Tina S


I felt this way when living in Hungary for a decade. The language is not easily mastered and the more I learned, the more I realized how much I actually didn’t know.

I appreciate your “Think of the Day” posts as we refer to it around here.

Daniel Kniseley

Thanks for always reminding us what to be aware of as we move throughout our days – this is a good one to keep in mind!

Matt stevenson

I always thought that don henley .. really Socrates !

Don A Marshall

Larry slightly missed it on this one. Dumb is forever and ignorance is not. We still need to think about it.

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