"Uggh…..ok……I got this."

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

My mental training and education combined with my goals have produced a certain way of thinking, and I wanted to share it with you.

I try to move my team forward all the time.  I try to avoid bad things happening.  But when a bad thing does happen, rather than whine and complain (internally or externally), I immediately switch from the “Get good things done” and “prevent bad things from happening” thinking to “What do I/we do now?” to make the best of it and keep moving things forward.

I don’t spend too much time thinking back.  I don’t ever feel like a victim.  I don’t feel powerless.  I don’t waste more time with a setback than it already inherently costs me by commiserating over it.

Am I disappointed for the setback?  Of course.  But I have also learned that setbacks teach you something.  Breaks in your progress or life can really be breakthroughs.

The older I get and the more experience I get, the less setbacks bother me.

“Uggh……..ok………..I got this.”



Love your blog! Today’s post resonated with me as many years ago we read Chris Hadfield’s book where he talks about the astronaut’s mindset of “work the problem”. Think you’d love this read: An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth

Brian Lovell

That’s a great message. The only way to make it through the tough times is to do something! We always hear that you have to learn from your mistakes or failures, but that only happens if you do something about it. When you fall off the horse you’ll only get better if you get back on and apply what you just learned!


Very well said. I’ve had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life lately and am finding ways to try to move forward from it.

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