Your reputation preceeds you.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Your reputation is really important for you to get people to work with you, buy from you, work for you, and want to be around you.

Everything you do counts.  People talk.  And one lapse of character today can hurt you many years down the road – and you may not even know it.  

Having a reputation as someone who is fair, gets things done, gets results, creates value and cares will make your life and business so much easier.

Remember that and act with your reputation in mind each day.

Boris Ermant

It was November of 2018, Baltimore, MD. Mitsubishi Electric conference.

Miraculously I found your book and CD at my conference seat (someone placed it there when I stepped away during a break).
I remember in details, I was surprised and pretty skeptical. So many speakers and promotional information… thought it was just another junk.
I did not know it will change my perspective of leadership, and consequently results in business.
Oh boy, it totally changed the way I ran my company. Going uphill now, getting better and stronger every day.
Thank you Larry!

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