The paradox of waiting for inspiration

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Life is full of paradoxes.  A paradox is something that is true and false at the same time.

Yesterday we talked about doing things when you are inspired to do them – at the right time of day and right day of the week.  But waiting for inspiration in a day or week is a luxury for those that have much of their life going well.

But what if you aren’t inspired to do much at all?

Here’s my advice – Get your stuff together.

Get your personal life together, eat right, and get enough sleep.  Fix your relationships or get out of them.  

When basic stuff like that is wrong, doing good or great things at work is the last thing you are thinking about.  You aren’t inspired when you have no energy, need sleep, are in bad health or have tension at home.

Second piece of advice – not inspired right now?  Too bad.  Take action and do what you need to do (the most important things first) to be a good leader of your team and business.  You took on this responsibility and you can’t stop now. Man up.

Besides, once you start doing something you didn’t feel like doing, you will most often get into it after a bit and feel like doing it.

One way or another – inspiration or discipline – do the work you signed up for Mr. / Miss Leader.  Do today what will make tomorrow better – that’s your job.


Jeff Russell

I appreciate the tough love approach! I specifically appreciate the “man up” comment.


Hi Larry,
I love your posts – they are very inspirational, but you should leave a little space in between your paragraphs. It would make it easier to read them. You have such good advice, but it comes out in a single spaced blurb. There is always room for improvement, right?

Marc Tannenbaum

Kinda what I needed to hear this am! thanks!

John Cossey

Great post Larry!! I especially enjoy the ones like today that call me out! LOL!

michelle washington

This had been one of the best and most inspiring posts I’ve read! Thank you sooo much and continue the great work. I share your posts with my daughter everyday and she finds them very helpful as well. (Business and Personal inspirations)

Brian Lovell

The best way to accomplish nothing is be continually getting ready to get ready! If you aren’t inspired now, what makes you think that will miraculously change without doing something to change it!

Kevin M.

One of my biggest takaways from reading Think Daily for several years is that “Don’t feel like it” does indeed quickly turn into “Feel like it” once you start doing something. It’s a little push that makes doing more possible. Thanks for that solid gold nugget of truth.

Adam Catterson

This quote is soo on point. There’s a lot of things in life that we just don’t feel like doing. Not doing though, isn’t a feasible option. Sometimes you just gotta show up and do until you get momentum, then the motivation and inspiration comes along the journey.

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