We aren’t always as strong as we need to be. But we have moments when we are.
Take advantage of them.
When we have a moment where we are willing to make a decision – clean out all the junk food from the house and take it to the dumpster.
Delete social media apps.
Clean up your home or office and make it support the person you want to be.
Clear out a space to work out.
Schedule a complete physical exam.
You won’t feel like doing these things all the time, but when you do – ACT.
Solomon recommends: “On a good day prove yourself to be in goodness, and on a calamitous day see that the true God has made even this exactly as that, to the intent that mankind may not discover anything at all after them.” (Ecclesiastes 7:14) A person should appreciate a day when things go well and show his appreciation by reflecting goodness. He should view a good day as a gift from God. But what if the day brings calamity? A person does well to “see,” that is, to recognize, that God has allowed the calamity to take place. Why has he done so? Solomon says: “To the intent that mankind may not discover anything at all after them.” What does this mean?The fact that God permits us to face both joys and troubles reminds us that we cannot tell what the future will bring. Calamity can befall both the righteous and the wicked. There are no exceptions. This should make us realize the importance of depending, not on ourselves, but on God, remembering that “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) While we may not understand certain things now, we can rest assured that after everything has run its full course, what God has permitted will have served a beneficial purpose for all concerned.
Larry, as always, valuable advice. This blog me right in the gut, recently I purged a lot of noise in my life. I feel much better about life and more free of the burden of the constant worry of needing to do something with the things I had.
Every little bit counts, and its never too late to make a change for the better.