Do you do difficult things?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“Difficulty is the high fence that keeps out the weak, wannabees, and pretenders.  Most people won;t do it if it’s hard.” – Dr. Mardy Groethe

Not doing anything difficult is how to take the easy path and be comfortable – and to live an ordinary unremarkable life and die without finding out what you can really do.

On the other hand, if you are following your inherent talent, it may be difficult for others, but far less difficult for you.

What important or valuable thing do you/have you done that was difficult/tough/complicated?

Janeda V

I think the most recent difficult thing I’ve had to face is how to learn that it’s okay to have discomfort while doing/experiencing new things. Becoming a new/better version of yourself can be difficult.

tom matthews

Long live the Brians!

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