Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“Our livers would be easily capable of metabolizing the trickle of fructose that they would have encountered during the few million years that preceded the coming of agriculture about ten thousand years ago: a little sugar, a little fructose, seasonally, in fruits, bound up in fiber, slow to digest (and not necessarily ripe fruits at that). Our livers might have had to deal with the fructose of honey as well. After the twelfth century, depending on where our ancestors lived and their wealth, the trickle increased very slightly as refined sugar, now separated from the fiber that slowed its digestion and absorption, was first imported from the Middle East into Europe. Then the Industrial Revolution came about, and the beet sugar industry was launched to join the cane sugar industry, and the trickle turned into a flood. In the late 1970s, the corn refiners got into the game with high-fructose corn syrup, and the flood of sugar rose even higher; some variant of sugar was consumed in huge amounts daily by all, from breakfast to postdinner desserts, drinks, and snacks.

From the early years of the nineteenth century to the very tail end of the twentieth, average per capita sugar availability (how much the food industry makes available for consumption) increased in the United States more than thirty-fold: from the sugar equivalent of a single twelve-ounce can of Coca-Cola every week to that of more than five cans every day, for everyone, from newborns to centenarians.”


It DOES NOT do a body good.

paul plouffe

Leave it to Larry Janeski to blaze and share yet another trail to the secrets of success! Few have connected the dots ;( well hidden by the food industry and big pharma), between good health and longevity in the reduction of sugars from our diet. Larry has shown us that too much sugar will work against us in the end . Let us to look into this as you would with any great advice.
Thanks Larry for your unrelenting fount of good will and good information!

Mike Fatse

Larry, IMO your team did a spectacular job with CN live.

Gray Wilson

Good food for thought! I just had to share with all…. I came across a book that I have been wanting to read for quite a while. The book is titled The highest Calling by Larry Janesky and I litterally could not put it down! I started reading it on Sunday and finished last night. It tells a story and a heart felt one at that but it spells out a business strategy that all of you would pay a business coach thousands of dollars to share. Thank you Larry for sharing….

Michele Howard

Great message! Build your foundation (body) on food that will help you . Good decisions are stepping stones for life

Aunt Donna

READ THE LABELS! You should only have 24 gms of sugar a day – that’s 6 tsp. You can’t maintain a healthy microbiome if you keep feeding the bad bacteria in your gut with sugar. This is key to a healthy immune system.


Yes to all this. I have been doing a lot of research on this and processed & ultra processed foods. More people need to know this stuff- what info (from the govt & media) is garbage and the total opposite of what we need to be taking in. Thanks for sharing!

Patrick O'Toole

I’m trying to get in the habit of making and preparing my own food so that I can truly know and control what goes into it (and into me as a result) and it makes me feel better in every sense when I do. I feel like I’m doing something good, being productive, and taking care of myself all at the same time.
Its a challenge though, the worst foods for us are usually the most widely available and easily accessible. Sugar(food) addiction is a real thing just like a drug or alcohol addiction.

Thanks for reminding us of the important things, Larry!

Tim Garrett

I Had some questions about sugar after reading yesterdays blog, but you answered those questions with todays blog, love the way you put it together!
Thank you


Keep preaching brother!

Willis Ponds

Thank you for sharing this oh so important information! My parents understood the hazards of sugar and eliminated it from our diets as children. That among other things kept us from ever having to go to the doctor for sickness as children. A good diet is the beginning of a good, long life.

Keith A Vaughan

Thank you for catching on to this World Health Crisis and Big Food!! Do you think this should be regulated or not? What about “Free Markets” — even with the damage that sugar (all forms) do to humans; and the subsequent, massive health care costs?? What’s odd is that nicotine was thought to be healthy but was quickly rolled back while sugar, which has done more damage to humans, has not been regulated. I guess that the sugar (Agriculture) lobby is more diversified than the tobacco lobby. When I was a kid – in the 70s and 80s – there wasn’t nearly as much sugar available to us as there is today. Our food is doing more damage than covid, opioids, car accidents, wars, etc. This is a daily struggle in our lives with our kids. Humans are a strange species indeed.

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