Special Opportunity and Gift for you!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

So I have this friend who has spent his life doing something very interesting and unique and valuable.  He interviews CEO’s.  In fact he has interviewed more CEO’s than anyone on earth (well over 1000!) and has them on video on a platform called The CEO Forum, and transcribed them in print too in a magazine called the CEO Forum Magazine.

If you are like me, you came up from humble beginnings and by starting a business one day and growing it, you landed in the top job.  But you may be wondering “How do other leaders lead?  What do they think about?  What are their challenges and how do they meet them?  What are they like?”

In Robert’s interviews, you can see for yourself.  The very cool thing about these interviews is that Robert doesn’t edit them.  Often what you see in media is highly edited and condensed.  But here you can see the man or woman leader in full as they answer Robert’s questions and tell about their organization and their work in it.

 You can look up interviews easily by industry on the platform.  Normally there is a charge for membership to access all these interviews, and to get the other resources included. But because we are good friends, Robert has offered to give Think Daily subscribers FREE access!

Simply click the link below and you can sign up for free!

Take advantage and check it out!

Here’s the link – 





Kevin Koval

Thank you for sharing this!

Tim Byrne

Thanks Larry I will look at these I appreciate it

Brandon Carr

Thank you!

Joel Bernstein

Thanks for providing access to the CEO interviews.

Judy Gebers

YAY! Thank you Larry!

Aaron Stull

Super cool gift. Thank you, truly.

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