Strong employee/weak manager – ut oh…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When you have a strong employee and a weak manager, it’s not going to go so well.  

The employee will present new ideas and try to advance quickly.  The manager will ignore them, hold them back, or not keep up.  The employee will come to disrespect the manager’s abilities.  

If the employee wins the struggle the manager will feel disempowered and drama will ensue.  If the manager wins the struggle the employee will realize this is not the place for them and they will leave.

If you chose a weak manager when you are small, as you grow the chances of this happening grow.

You want strong people, but managers have to be great at developing (and promoting) strong team members.


Kelsea C

This is so true and I’ve had those managers in the past. Luckily, I have found a great support team at Master Services that pushes me to grow everyday.

Lisa P

I’ve had nightmare managers in the past and will never go through that again… Luckily, I very happy with my current manager and coworkers. No drama here…

cory liptak

since you are on employees an managers an different struggles could you reference an get into THE PETER PRINCIPLE .

Jim Burlison (Cabe)

Yes ~ oftent times (over time) they outgrow you or you outgrow them. Alignment with personal, professional and financial goals is key in the beginning and must remain a topic of open future converstations in the future.

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