Success is…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many responses to this question have been written.  Here’s one –

Success is doing things you love with people you love.

How do you like that one?  

Are you doing things you love with people you love?


Larry, this is spot on! Thank you for putting this out there. A lovely reminder of what is important and meaningful in our great adventure called life. I can wholeheartedly say, I am enjoying success each and everyday due to the folks I get to grow with. Also, a great message for our youth in a time they need to hear it.

Mike Mitchell

I am Blessed and have the pleasure of doing many things that I love with people that I love. Another definition I really like (from the great Earl Nightingale)

Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal.

Michael Porzio

Success is measured by the amount of love you put in all that you do.

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