People who are given things are weaker

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Argue and whine at this one all you want.

If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island with one other person and had to fight to stay alive, would you want it to be – 

A person who had an easy life, had things set up for them, and everything went pretty smooth, OR

A person who had a tough early life, struggled, had seen problems and disaster, and made it through – ?


Use your head, get tough (with yourself), be resourceful, and overcome your problems.

Jeff Russell

This is perfect for me today. I’d rather be there with someone who will fight with me to stay alive as opposed to being there with someone who I have to carry or worry about. To me, it’s always about the fight. There is always a fight out there waiting for you. Some may be tougher than others, nonetheless, there is a fight waiting to be won!! Go out and win it !!!

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