Your Ideal Life (Part 4)

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

So far we have asked you what your ideal life is, we said that a life of leisure was not a good answer, and that you will have to learn how to be a good leader and fix your business to live an ideal life.

Now let’s consider this.  Think back to the person you were when you started your business.  Do you think that person would look at the you of today and say there have been some significant victories?  That person may have even said “I will be happy when ________ happens”.  And ________ is where you are today!

We all want things to be better, no matter how good they are now.  In fact, that is a quality of any creator like an entrepreneur – never being satisfied and working to create something better.  But that can be a psychological trap.  It will never be perfect, and using perfect as the indicator to when we will be happy, is a fool yardstick; a game you can’t win.

Each day is a step on a journey that never ends.  As Jim Rohn said, “Learn to be happy with all you’ve got while you pursue all you want.”

Don’t wait to be happy.

Because today, with your continued positive action, is your ideal life unfolding.




Boris Ermant

Larry, thank you for sharing your wisdom!


It’s been said that
“Happiness isn’t getting what you want, It’s wanting what you already have…”

Michael Mitchell

I too am grateful for the “unfolding” and I love the quote from Jim

Larry Mageau

Thank you for Thinking daily I’ve got so much more I love to experience in life!

Michael Haydamous

Thank you Larry for this question! You occupied my mind with it for past few days…
I came to the conclusion that my ideal life is not money, is not places to go. It is being with the people I love, and sharing with them without any pretension. I am grateful to have, but more grateful to give.
The closer to the above I am, the closer to my ideal life…

Craig J Canella

As always your words are awesome.
It came at a great time. I just recently sold my HVAC business for enough money to never think of money again. It did not bring me any happiness. It brought only the sense of security for my family. But no personal happiness.
It is a very emotional thing to reach that “finish” line and get the prize but walk away still feeling empty. Working on it. Thank you again sir.

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