What is your ideal life? (part 1)

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you had a magic wand and could start clean and create whatever you wanted, what would your ideal life be?

How would you interact with your business?

In pondering this question, I’d say my life is pretty close to my ideal life.  I love to work and be creative and see what is possible for me and my teams, and I have the freedom to do what I want.  I work at home most mornings, love the people I work with, and don’t work on weekends.  (Although I am on my porch right now on a sunny Sunday morning writing Think Daily messages – but I don’t HAVE to do this right now.)

Nevertheless, there are things I’d like to improve.  And by Zooming out right now and thinking about it and writing it down, I can make the changes now if I can, or work to create the conditions where I am able to make these changes.

What is your ideal life?

More on this tomorrow….

Allen Burchell

Congratulations on the Harley addition to the Janesky family. Bring it south and let’s break it in, there are some beautiful places to ride in East Tennessee, in the North Carolina mountains, and in Northern Georgia.

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