Electronic Slavery

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Do you value likes over life?  Many people put more effort into getting likes than they do into their own lives.

Did you know that almost every social media company has “attention engineers” to keep people posting and chasing likes?

Many are oblivious to how compulsive their behavior is as a result of this conditioning.

Social algorithms understand your behavior better than you do.

It will enslave a person if they aren’t paying attention.

Do you know an electronic slave?  Are you one?


Screeidiots, the next generation, are doomed, all stuck to their devices. Larry, check out the following

David Cook



Good morning,
Unfortunately I know a lot of Electronic Slaves. I drive’s me a bit nuts.
I have witnessed folks in the same room sitting 10′ apart not talking but rather chatting with one another on their phones. Ugh ??‍♂️

Electronic devices are Great Tools. They are tools just like a hammer or a screwdriver and should be used as such.

Master the 21st century but using all your eletronic devices for learning, working and communication not to run or be your life line to everything.

Next time you need to focus on a project try SHUTTING OFF ALL YOUR ELECTRONICS and see what happens.
I guarantee the world will not end!

Austin Marcum

So true!
When I get home in the evenings after work, I place my phone by the bed to charge and leave it there. At dinner time, no phones are allowed or else our kids would be watching youtube videos in between bites.
Disconnect. Free yourselves.

Bette Lynn Paez

Bad turn of phrase. Slavery is not a choice. Unhooking from technology is.

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