A Leading Cause of Death

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Deaths from car crashes, drug overdoses and firearms – together they don’t kill 1/3 as many people as this one – FOOD.

Many of us a digging our graves with our teeth every day.

I know – food is so good!  I LOVE ice cream!  I love lots of bad things.  I am tempted, and give in sometimes.  I have to do better.  If I didn’t work out and work outside so much, I’d have a bigger problem.

Our ancestors fought starvation.  Our bodies are made to store energy in the form of fat to use later when food is scarce.  The problem is it’s never scarce now.

Sitting for long times the body shuts down metabolically.  Some people, including teens, spend 8 hours a day sitting, looking at a screen.

This is what is happening.  Be aware now – and be responsible for your body every day; because one day it may be too late.

Today, eat well and eat less.  Feel a little hungrier?  That’s you getting better, switching over from burning sugar to burning stored fat.  Drink a full glass of water and wait 40 minutes.  Learn to love that feeling. (Ok, at least endure it!)



Mike Mitchell

I am grateful for my health. I also appreciate you and your commitment to sharing thoughts and ideas.

Patrick O'Toole

I put my body through a lot over the years and I struggle with this every day, trying to live better, and someone recently made the argument to me that maybe it’s not worth it because technology is going to come around to the point where we can just pay to make up for whatever we do to ourselves. Its heartbreaking, but I guess I can just get a new heart when this one goes, right?

Michael Haydamous

Loved the saying “digging our graves with our own teeth”! Can’t be more expressive!

Alexis L Litz

Great advice Larry! Will definitely try drinking water when I get unnecessarily hungry at work. Our health is far too important to throw away!

Josh Cohen

Without our health what else can we have an enjoy? Great post.

Aunt Donna

This is a good one Larry. Scope out all the junk food people have in their shopping carts! Sugar is ruining our immune systems. Diabetes and other autoimmune diseases plus obesity- are rampant. Spend your time in the produce dept getting fresh fruits and vegetables!


Many thanks daily Larry!! Always start the day with a glass of water, do a min-fast one day a week to let your metabolism catch up and stabilize, I usually only eat one meal on Sundays and eat normally the rest of the week. Seems to work the best. Thanks for your inspirations, we all need each other. My buddies and I are loading up our 690’s this morning and off to do an off-road riding event this weekend (Rally Connex, EOAR, here in Ontario)… going to put more calories out for a day or two, that what will be going in… and loving it!! Have a great day everyone!


Thanks for the advice. This is my focus this year! I like your water and wait tip. As always thanks for giving so much of yourself.

Marcela V

During the day always there something to be grateful ! Always .
If you see the small thing there are a lot !

Marcela V

During the day always there something to be grateful ! Always .

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