Escape the 9-5 grind!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

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Never work 9 am to 5 pm again!  Become an entrepreneur and work 5 am to 9 pm instead! 

Stop working for a paycheck – you’ll get no paycheck at all!

Funny?  For some of us, not funny – not yet at least.

To start your own business is to start from scratch – to take risks and assume great responsibilities.  It is to enter into unknowns for you, with some days full of frustration and desperation, peppered by a few that feel like temporary triumph.

You won’t be paid unless the collective output of your organization creates more value than it consumes to operate.  If you don’t figure it out before you run out of money, you go broke and let lots of people down – especially your family and yourself.

But if you DO figure it out before it destroys your life and you go broke, it can be a rewarding journey that makes you a better person.

Still interested?



Timothy Sweeney

Hello Larry! Have you been in my dreams in my nightmares for the past 42 years? True words were never spoken. I had to chuckle after I read today’s post. You summarized entrepreneurship in a very short paragraph highlighting all that I and many have gone through without much of an explanation. Thank you for your posts Tim

Thomas Wintz

Thank you! Your emails are a great way to start the day. I have been self employed for 40+ years, I call it “being gamefuily unemployed”, and your messages are so true. I could have used them way back at the beginning and I have done well mostly by believing that I would and by listening to those who would share their wisdom. Thanks again for sharing yours.
I found you through your motorcycle Utubes. At 70 years old I am touring on a R1200RT. Keep up the great work!

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