You must do what you think you cannot do.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Would it be satisfying to do something that you thought you could not do?

What would that do to your thinking after that?

Growth lies outside of our comfort zone.  By definition, growth is doing things we haven’t done before. We create our own boundaries.  Who said you couldn’t do it anyway?  Did you buy into a story that was told to you, or was it just convenient to say you couldn’t do it yourself so you could get out of the work and risk?

You are who you say you are.  Declare something more and take action.  

Amaze yourself.

Jeff Russell

I needed this one this morning, The thing is for me, I tell myself I can’t do something and from time to time I buy into that statement from me to me! I sometimes forget that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to doing. It’s refreshing when I prove me wrong! I tend to kill it when I attempt to do what I say I can’t do.

tom matthews

You’re right, Larry – it’s incredibly rewarding to do something you thought you couldn’t. Doing hard things builds character and confidence, too.

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