The superpower state of your mind

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Focusing – it’s your superpower to use or ignore.

You can’t accomplish anything meaningful with your mind wandering, scrolling, and in constant distraction.

Do you focus your mind on something important each day?

Bob ligmanowski

The detail is amazing! Takes a special eye to see it! That focus!
I need to work on this, my mind does wander on non HVA’S! But I’m mindful of it now and catch myself. “ Shooting the arrow,” that really helps!

Joachim Ehret

Thanks for the iguana! I like it too.

Lisa Pantaleo

A true work of art by a master craftsman and the wife that brought it to life..

George McManus

Good morning Larry! I just wanted to tell you I’m having a great day today and thank you for your dedication to your craft of inspiration and constant learning/growing. You put a smile on my face and I just needed to let you know. Also congratulation on your finish in your race in April. That 10 hours has years of prep that went into it and the accomplishment of finishing the race is amazing. You rock!

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