Scarcity conciousness

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Scarcity consciousness is thinking that there isn’t enough to go around; that more for them is less for me.

It’s believing in lack, versus abundance.

Scarcity consciousness breeds envy, jealousy, and thoughts of unfairness and injustice.  Often it can be used, consciously or unconsciously, as an excuse for not doing what it takes to share in the abundance that is out there.

The reality is there is plenty to go around. 

See it. 

Move on it as you wish – and as you are willing.



Russell Dillon

I’ll give all a equation I share with my team
Plainville has 8200 households
Divided by 10 years ( Assume they need new heat or ac every 10 years)
That brings us to 820
Multiply by your average sale
820*15000 = 12.3M
Multiply by your market share (I use 7% which means 93% of Plainville would use a different contractor )
12.3*7% = 861,000
Note* if you do multiple trades then multiple the $ amount by the trades you do. For us we do 4 trades. Thats 3.4m of our 10m budget in one town!
Now decide how well you want to be at marketing and how far you need to travel to achieve your budget. My guess is that you dont need to travel as far as you think. I have been actively looking to reduce my territory for 4 years.
Every year we make a little progress.
Less Miles , less wear and tear, less truck purchasing frequency, less un-billable time etc.
Hope this helps.


Stable income from $578068 per month

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