Jeff Russell

It’s so strange, I feel like I’ve done a lot in my life. When I look back at life and where I was as a child I could have never imagined myself where I am today. Being a father to two amazing girls is the best thing I’ve done. Continuing to be a role model for them and them always looking at me as the most amazing dad they could’ve ever had is what matters most to me. I live every single day as if I’m just getting started and have so many more goals to achieve. I don’t settle for today when I can do so much more tomorrow.

Jennifer Porter

What have I done with my life… I’m not sure. Lately, I feel as if my life is terribly stereotypical and I hate it. I’m just another girl who graduated college and is working a 9-5. Sometimes I wonder why am I not the person who fails out of school and moves to India. I don’t know, Larry. Incase you were wondering, yes this is probably going through every 22 year old’s mind.

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