The World Wide Mirror

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Online, which is most of what is presented to us, the world is as we think it is – and that is a problem.

Because of algorithms, Google and other platforms know what we are interested in.  They know what we’ve searched for.  They know what we clicked on and how much time we spent there.  They even listen to us talking when we are not using our devices.  

Then when we go to our device it shows us what we already have looked at with the same world view.  This is nice, but it’s problematic too.  We don’t get a diverse view of the world.  We get reinforcement that the world is the way we have thought, even though it isn’t.  We are looking at the world in the mirror, our reflection coming back to us.

Our internet experience is not representative of the real world or the whole world.

Thomas Wintz

It is great to experience your thought provoking and inspirational words each morning. Thank you!

Dan Kniseley

Thank You for reminding us to keep perspective, and to keep persevering, Larry!
And Thank You for the amazing ‘Into the Dust’ movies that remind us if the same thing – and for helping us to Think Daily 🙂

Willis Ponds

You are spot on. We need to actually get out into the real world and talk to real people in person and decide for ourselves what’s going on. I believe the internet (and mainstream media) are largely responsible for the severe polarization in the world today. In the end most people want the same things and care about others as well. The difference is in how they think they should acquire their things and how others should be cared for. This is where open-minded discussion would be so much better than the polarized arguing that is so prevalent today. We should unite to accomplish common goals, not separate to promote our personal agendas.

Alexis L Litz

So true!

David Starrett

I have an engineering friend who worked at NASA. We both went to school together. I saw his computer one day and I noticed a Post-it note over his camera. I asked him what’s that for? His reply was the communist Chinese party hacked the cameras we use and they could watch what you were doing even if you weren’t using the device.

I have not heard of a hack where they listen without you authorizing it, But if it’s anything like the way Siri or Alexa listen and then type out your message, we are in for big trouble. . .

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