Happy Birthday Think Daily!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I wrote my first Think Daily message in April of 2009 – 13 years ago.  This first Think Daily for Businesspeople message went out a month later.  That’s 13 years at 500 messages a year!

6500 times I sat down with my laptop and said “what am I going to write today?”  The process of “teaching” has made me a far better student.  I don’t want to say anything dumb, false, not useful, or insulting, though I am sure I have done all of those things.

To get better is to change.  But our egos don’t like change.  They are fighting to defend your identity that you act out each day and they don’t want to be challenged, exposed, called out or replaced with a new one.  But real change demands it.

Helping someone else change from afar without upsetting them and having them simply unsubscribe is a delicate matter.  

Walking my own talk has made me better.  But one thing has gotten easier.  Deciding what to do, or rather knowing what to do when the chips are down and the tests come.  By being a student and learning each day, when the occasion or crisis comes you know how to act ahead of time.  

Knowing what to do in so many of the situations life brings is not the result of reading (learning) it one time, but from repetition and being a practitioner to master ourselves.

I will keep going because the sun keeps coming up and you are still there.

Happy 13th Birthday Think Daily!

Doug Dean

I enjoy your articles. Keep them coming. Thanks Doug

Dave Hoh

Thank You! When things happen in business and life, its easier now to take a minute, reflect and then decide what to do after reading Think Daily for years…..

Kenneth Byler

Thank you for the 13 years of inspiration Larry! I look forward to these every weekday morning.

Tom Lanahan

Thank you

Ken Kumph

I’m Grateful for your daily messages Larry. Congratulations and Thank you. Keep ‘em coming!!!

Cindy Davis

Thank you for doing, I look forward to reading Think Daily each day.
Keep it going.:)

Tim Funke

Thanks Larry!

Jessica Gilbert

Happy Birthday! Thank you for making a difference.

Mike Omasta

Happy Birthday Think Daily!
6500 messages that I spend 2 minutes each day reading works out to be roughly 9 hours of my life in your world!
I think it has been well spent!
Thank you Larry.

Dan Rodriguez

Happy Birthday Think Daily! So grateful for you Larry!

William Lindberg

Congratulations…I certainly enjoy your messages and stories

Sean Perry

Happy birthday T.D.! And thank you.

Bill Whyte

Thanks Larry! Happy Birthday

Joshua English

Thank you for doing this. It helps me be better everyday

Klaus Larsen

Thank you Larry, added value to my day, every day

Max Bumgardner

Congratulations, Larry. You provide a great deal of value for others. My hope is that you are blessed beyond compare in return. Thank you for doing this. Keep going.

tom matthews

I appreciate the gift of your writing – keep it coming, Larry.

Mary Lawrence

HAPPY BIRTHDAY THINK DAILY! It seems like you just started this a couple years ago!!

Ben Bates

Thank you, Larry.



Michael Haydamous

Amazing work!
Happy Birthday THINK DAILY!


Thank you Larry! I enjoy reading and sharing your thoughts with family and friends. Best, Roland

Alexis L Litz

Congrats Larry! That level of consistency is quite an achievement. I admire you and appreciate your daily messages. Great work and keep it up!

Chris Jennings

Thank you for paying it forward each day x 2. You make the world a better place. Braaap on!

Jeff Russell

Happy Birthday Think Daily…


I am grateful for your daily blog.

Jodi Lynn Fogarty

Happy 13th Birthday Think Daily and Larry for being such a powerful inspiration!!

David Starrett

Wow Larry,

Congratulations I think I started thinking around 2014. . .

Thank you for your help in my life. . .

Mike Nagy

Greatly appreciated!!!!

John LeVan

Keep them coming Larry. One of the most useful distractions out there for sure! Although it diverts your attention, it puts in a ticket with your brain for positive thought.

Kirk Marchant

Thank you, Larry! I look forward to reading your messages every day.


Marsha Reynolds

Larry, Thank you for all the hard work, thinking, advise and encouragement. I look forward to reading your “Think Daily” messages. It gives me a boost everyday.

Willis Ponds

Thank you very much for taking the time to teach us! I have learned a lot from Think Daily and I look forward to learning even more in the future. Well done and keep up the good work!

Kathy Richardson

Happy Birthday, Think Daily! Thank you, Larry for the great legacy that you have created. Congratulations!

John M Mullen

Thanks Larry for all you do!!! I get a tremendous amount from your blogs which I share daily.

Patricia Villers

Happy 13th Birthday, Think Daily! I always enjoy reading your thought-provoking messages.


Happy Birthday Think Dally, nicely said Larry.


Wanda S Timmons

I look forward to every email you send. I have shared so many of them with my staff. I often get the email when the message is what I am needing to hear. Thank you for doing what you do to help small business owners look at what they are doing with a real life perspective. Wanda

Renee Daconto

I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to share things you have learned over the years and what you continue to learn. Happy Birthday to Think Daily and wishing many more years to come!

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