You are abnormal…hopefully.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Being normal in all areas is not a good life plan.  You’ll die with your talent left unused, and your joys left unrealized.

In what area are you abnormal?  Where do you spend a disproportionate amount of time and energy developing a talent (interest) that makes you a confident expert/pro who can teach or serve others?

Double down on something you would do even if you weren’t being paid.  Go deep on the things that are hard for others but easy for you.  Deviate from everyone else and become a freakish expert on something.  

Be proud of your abnormality.

Jennifer Porter

This is something I have been struggling with, I don’t know anymore what my passion is. Growing up it was ice hockey and now there are no leagues near me I can join. Im trying to make it something work related to grow myself professionally (and economically ha ha) but does that really bring me joy? What if doing a little bit of everything brings me joy! Will I ever truly become an expert on something?

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