A New Year

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

A New Year is a time to reflect on your life and how things are going and make some high-level decisions about what kind of person you want to be and what kind of life you want to lead.  Then you can make plans for what you are going to DO.

So give some serious thought and answer these questions.

What do you love about your life?

What do you dislike about your life?

How do you feel about YOU?

How old are you?

When you die, what do want to have done that you haven’t done yet?

What would be super cool to do this year?

What do you have to do to feel better about yourself?

Who do you need to include, say things to, or forgive to move forward and feel better?

OKAY – now, what are you going to do this year?

In what months are you going to do them?

What do you need to start right now?

What do you need to schedule?

How will you change your environment to support these new goals?  

Who do you need to tell or involve?

How will you measure progress?

Good things don’t happen by accident.  It’s 2022.  Make it happen now!

Rick McFadden

Hey Larry, Great idea! This WILL be something that I do this year.

tom matthews

Long live Bill Purcell!

Desiree Leader

Wow! I am facing a lot of changes this year; this message couldn’t have come at a better time! I will be printing this one out to give it the time it deserves for reflection. Thank you!

Patricia Villers

Thanks, this message speaks to me! I’m also facing a lot of changes and challenges right now. My husband passed away last month. I’m trying to move forward one step at a time and not get overwhelmed with all the tasks.

Patricia Villers

P.S. I’m also grateful for Bill Purcell! He’s a great guy.

Alex Manzuarte

Needed to read this today, thank you.

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