“A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests.” – Barbara Tuchman
Why do you think this is? Here are my comments and I’d like to hear yours –
First, a government is run by people. People have their own self-interest. When you put many of them together there is no collective mind that is formed that is superior to any single man.
Next, these people who are running the show are playing with other people’s money. This makes them do things they would not do with their own money, and poor judgment becomes common.
Next, these people are not responsible for long-term results. They will be gone and their bad judgment will be forgotten – at least they hope. Therefore, short-term thinking is what they prioritize.
Lastly, governments have gotten involved in so many things that elected officials couldn’t possibly understand well. They wind up abdicating to appointed leaders of specialty agencies (there are 443 federal agencies in the US now) who all have their own agendas – expand their influence and spend their budget by the end of the year so they can get more money next year.
This is what I see as the root causes of governments doing what seems to be “counter to their own self-interest”.
What do you think? (Orange button for comments).
I understand and agree but I also think, so what? What can we do about it? I’m not getting involved in politics, no way. So why care if we can’t have an effect? Why pay attention (like the news) and burn the time and energy that is so limited on areas out of our control?
I can trace all my character defects to two fears fear I am not going to get what I want of fear I am going to loose what I have. The lust for power throughout history has cased unspeakable horrors because in pursuit of more power there is the delusion that with more power the one seeking the power will be able to go back and correct the shortsighted actions needed to gain more power. The tragedy of American politics is that the majority of politicians have to be more concerned with fund raising than doing what if right. Politics in America has become a blood sport. Money is not the root of all evil. The bible says,1 Timothy 10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: with while some coveted after they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”. In my experience evil is the Director of the Theater of the Absurd.
Spot on. Add that politicians as a group are probably the most self serving class of people that ever existed
The career politician is the multiplier in this discussion. I believe our representatives would get more done for the People if we established set terms of office. Get elected, make an impact, or not, then move on.
You are absolutely correct in saying that people always have their best interests at heart. Some people (politicians in particular) either don’t realize this fact or have tricked themselves into believing they are still pursuing selfless endeavors. Even the most well intended politicians and their parties are so focused on winning and having control, they completely lose sight of why they wanted that power to begin with.
All politicians eventually become a slave to their party, donors and promises made to voters (because research showed backing a certain agenda would attract more voter popularity).
Until politicians are forced to have financial accountability like businesses, there is little hope of change in that arena. I sometimes think shorter terms would help, but then politicians would be forced to spend more of their short term on planning for their next election. Leading to less not more productivity and authentic representation. So I’m not sure that is the answer. I do feel this is the first time in my life that I feel fully unrepresented as a person and a businesswoman in the United States.
Perhaps it is time to form a collective of concerned citizens that can have a louder but civilized voice and be taken seriously. There are so many rules and regulations passed without any public referendum. With today’s technology there should be a an organized immediate way to relay polite views to local and federal politicians.
I have anxiety that I am not sacrificing time or money for the better of our country or government, but I do not know where to begin. And I do not know how to effectively make a change. I do know the forefathers of our government sacrificed both and we would not have what we have today if they had not.
Wow…I couldn’t agree with you more.
Larry Janesky for President!
This is so TRUE! We need to implement TERM LIMITS and make sure these people realize they SERVE US! It’s that simple.
I too am grateful for the framers of the constitution!
Agree with Larry’s initial post and most comments that followed. I would like to add that I feel there is too much space between elected officials and us citizens. They make rules for society based on their concepts (or their parties, or constituents, or donors, etc.) of what society ought to be that are out of touch with half the populations ideals and needs. So long as they can (or at least their party can) win the next cycle it is fine with them that the other side “must realize that elections have consequences” instead of truly leading the country to a better place. It seems we no longer have government of the people, by the people, for the people and I am truly concerned about the future of our democracy. I support the proposal above, on forming a concerned council of citizens.
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”
–Groucho Marx
Well said Larry, I agree and can’t add much more. Let’s hope somehow things can improve!!
So in the 60’s, we as nation said God was dead, took prayer out of our schools, and pushed evolution. We worshiped the creature, not the Creator. Rom 1:20-23 So God gave our nation up to uncleanness and lust. So we had the drugs and free love movement of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Rom. 1:24-25 Still we didn’t change so in the 80’s and 90’s God gave us over to vile affections. Rom.1:26-27. We still didn’t listen nor would we acknowledge God. So now he gave us over to a reprobate mind or a mind void of judgement. Rom 1:28-32 That is where we are at now. Our politicians “Can’t” make proper decisions anymore even if they wanted to. Unfortunately, all this is casting a shadow into the Tribulation. There is still hope but not in our political system!
All great points.
My thoughts:
By the people, For the people. We have lost the last point to some degree
Certain Government agencies are not allowed to make certain investments. Why not Nancy Pelosi?
Terms limits are good, but, how long. It can take time to effect change. What is the Balance?
We are not a democracy even though the dems keep preaching that.
Control the language and you will control the culture
Government was designed for it to be difficult to get things done.
Everyone should take this FREE course on the constitution
What this makes me think of is that it is imperative for citizens to have an interest in their government and what they’re doing; we are the ‘check and balance’ of their activity. Unfortunately citizens are many times unable to focus on the ‘greater good’ too wrapped up in managing their own lives.
Even if you are an altruistic person, government is the most inefficient way to distribute your money. Rather than pay high taxes to help the poor, etc., you should send that money to a private institution or your church, where most of your money will reach those in need. Government cannot and should not be a factor in solving all of society’s problems.
Larry, I wholeheartedly agree with your observations and love that you chose to speak up. More of us need to do the same and somehow we need to hold politicians accountable for their actions. They need to have a fear of the people in order to make good decisions. They have figured out how to buy into a party system that controls people’s votes so they don’t really fear being ousted in an election. Even if they are the benefits package for federal elected officials is way to sweet! I believe we need to make recall of politicians much easier. I’m open to other ideas as well. Shall we open the floor to ideas for making politicians accountable? In business we would take away benefits or outright fire them.
This is so well said! Spot on!
Yes. Therefore, the least amount of government we can have, and still accomplish the objective of the government, the better served this Representative Republic will be.
The media is run by the democratic party and a culture that cannot admit it has a problem even to its own detriment. journalism is dead!
I agree 100%. I have always said that they only people who should run this country are succesfull minded business people.
I also believe that there should be a rule that if they don’t meet there budget that they should not get any kind of a raise, bonus, and should be fired if they do not meet there budget.
I told a congressman this one time and he told me that he agreed but they voted years ago that the budget would never affect there pay or position. That is nice when you can set your own rules like that
I was serious.