Lessons of your own history

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach us.” – Aldous Huxley

Getting better and doing better is a process of trying, failing or stumbling, learning and trying again.  Over and over.

Today, reflect on what you’ve done, how you’ve done it, and what the results were.  What have you learned?

How will you spring off that understanding into a better future?

Jeff Russell

Awesome picture! The past shapes the future.. There is always a lesson in the underlying, sometimes you have to dig, It’s all about that discovery that leads to future success.

Patrick O'Toole

Good Morning Larry, its been a while! I’ve learn how important it is that WHEN you stumble or fall, you don’t beat yourself up or belittle yourself for doing so. You congratulate yourself for making the attempt, for putting forth the effort, and you learn from your mistakes. Hidden inside every mistake we make is a lesson we can learn if we only step back to find what we did wrong.

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