Ideas have a shelf life

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When you have an idea, I find that your enthusiasm for it will go away as other things come into your days, and soon it will be forgotten about. 

Some leaders have an idea, (or one is presented to them, as leaders do not need to be the source of all ideas, thank God), and they want to study it, think on it, stall, and belabor it forever.  They are the resistors of new ideas often out of fear of losing what they have, even though it’s not very good.

Some have a bias for action.  They want to implement new ideas fast.  I lean toward this side.  Leaders who set new things in motion when they first learn of them and the enthusiasm for it is high will have organizations that make more progress faster.  They will make more mistakes – yes.  But they will learn faster and adjust and have much more success as a result.

Sometimes acting on an idea means finding out it was a bad idea.  At least you know and can move on.

Ideas have a shelf life.  Act before they expire.

M S Hutchison

Wow Larry, thanks for the shoutout, I think it might be me maybe as a lot spell my last name with an extra n being the most popular. Definitely not used to that like I assume you would be praised all the time for your businesses and hobbies of all kinds of racing and other sports I assume. I have never succeeded in my parents eyes in the work field like they have or my brother. The only thing I have really succeeded at was my hobbies of motocross and martial arts winning a few races and tournaments. Thanks again for the shout out, which I haven’t seen my name in print in a long time other than local newspapers with my hobbies of my past. Take care and all the best, all we can do is the best with what we have been given, accept and move on, we are all here for some reason or another, tks again, Steve.

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