How are your habits hurting you?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

As a leader, you have your “style”, and the way you go about your day.  We like habits.  It makes it easier to do things with less energy and we know the outcome.  

But our habits have been employed in this most important leadership job for some time now, and we need new and even better results.

How are your old habits of thinking and acting holding on to the old, and holding you back from the new?

David Sawransky


Cindy Davis

Awesome! Have a great time and best of luck. šŸ™‚

William Hartman

Good luck Larry!
CT Strong

Bob Wojcik

Good luck Larry!

Steven Tetreault

Good luck Larry! Sounds like you are going to be awake for a very long time! Hang in there!

Scott McIntosh

Wishing you the very best on your double duty and new challenges.

David Cook

Hope you do great!

Will Bryan

Good luck Larry, hope you win them both !!!

Lisa Pantaleo

Wishing you all the best with your latest challenge. Safe Travels..


Good luck to you and the team Larry!

Rick McFadden

Good luck Larry, tell Marie to hold on tight!

Jorge Zepeda

Iā€™m grateful for you Larry, that you are grateful for the people of Baja!

dave heath

Good luck. I am here for the first time bike 628X It”s been a lifelong dream and your In to the dust videos made it look doable. Hope to see you in Lapaz . Thanks for doing daily blogs they are great food for thought to start my day. Today I look like a dirty dirtbiker

Jay Church

Good luck Larry!

Victor Balzer

Go get ’em Larry…That is awesome!!

Willis Ponds

Good luck at the Baja! I really enjoy hearing about your experiences there!

Desiree Leader

Wishing you great luck! I love how you keep rising to meet new challenges – such an inspiration. I will be praying for the safety and success of your team. Go get ’em!

Nancie Gray

Exciting – Best of luck with both races – can’t wait to hear more.

Harvey glazer

Best of luck to you

Allen Burchell

WOW!! That sounds like a blast, grueling but still tons of excitement and fun! Good Luck on a great finish.

Tom Darling

Good luck and have fun. It looks like you have a great support team.

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