We look at people and try to size them up. It’s human nature. It will never change. We have to. It’s part of understanding how to get along in the world.
We look at someone and see how they are dressed and groomed, and how they carry themselves.
We take them at face value. It’s pretty accurate to assume that if someone dresses for a part, then that’s who they are. After all, nobody knows you better than you do. If you present yourself to the world in a given way, who are we to argue that you are someone else? So we treat you like the person you present to us.
In the movie “Catch me if you can”, based on the true story of young con man Frank Abignail, he passes himself off for an airline pilot, a doctor, and many other people simply by dressing the part. Nobody questions him, and they take him for how he dresses.
If someone dresses shabbily, we talk to them differently than someone who dresses well. It’s how it is.
The world is your mirror.
How do you present yourself to the world?
I respectfully disagree. It is not human nature, it is conditioned in us to judge others based on their appearance so we can place them in a social class. I think the world is trying to transition away from this. Billionaires are wearing sneakers and hoodies to work instead of Gucci suits. People want to be judged on their abilities, their personalities, and on a more “real” level, than just their face value. It is up to us to change this narrative and get to know humans on a deeper level before deciding we have an accurate representation of them. We are more complex creatures than what we decided to wear that day. Maybe we need to be the first to base others on more than what the stereotype of their appearances might say.
P.S. Catch Me If You Can is a great movie. Thank you
Great point and a very cool movie
To be clear, you are stating that one should be judged by the clothes they wear?
Also, to follow up. I crawl under houses and mix concrete and do a lot of dirty work. Please leave this pretentious garbage to yourself.
I get you Larry, We at Quebec Basement Systems are greatful for Michael Haydamous everyday! His passion for this business is driving us to record breaking heights every day!!! I have been here less than 3 years and the Sales are close to double! Hope all is going as well through out the network!!
As for first impressions, It is our nature to size up people based on what we see. Over time we may change our impression as we get to know the person but if a decision is made on that first impression to walk away or avoid someone then we will all lose out on the missed opportunity….. Human nature cannot be changed over night…..