Your world lens

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We all have a lens we see the world through.  The shape of the lens was ground through our past experiences – where we lived, our childhood, our family, the beliefs that people around us had that we picked up, and what we learned along the way.

Now, everything we see and experience passes through this lens, and is distorted by it.  Everything presented to you each day comes through your filter and is seen and understood against your preconceived understanding of the way the world is.

How can you change your lens?

Let go of your attachment to it and your resistance to anything that challenges it.  Observe without judgment.

Decide that you want to change.  You don’t have to admit anything was wrong.  That’s not an argument you have to get into.

Get some new perspectives.  Talk to true trusted friends (they may not be the ones closest to you).  Change the environment that supports your old thinking patterns.   It takes some work, because it’s easy to fall back into default thinking.  Keep working on it.

It’s worth it.  Inner changes will change the world – just like that.


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