What are your true values?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What is really important to you?

While nobody knows this better than you, it may not be easy to actually list them.  It requires thought and consideration.  Hint – think about what you DO, not what you say. 

Give it a try.

Top 3?

Dean Patyk

to leave things better than I found them.

Cindy Davis

–To give back
–To help with animal rescues
–Live each day as if it were my last

Nikki Rae Toler

1. to love more than i love myself
2. to let go and let the time heals of pain
3. to sacrifice my happiness for the happiness of others

Kevin M.


Caitlin Coogan


Rob Videon

1. Bring positive lasting value & love to others through my words and actions.

2. Bring energy to what others may consider the mundane and have fun doing it!

3. Prove the past does not equal the future in my life and in the life of others!


Loyalty, Integrity, and just general Kindness to people and animals.

Tiffany Queener

Create memories during the journey of life.
Never be complacent / always be improving.
Do good things with what I have been blessed with.

Tim Runyon


timothy Garrett

Lead by example
Take responsability
Always keep your word no matter what
Be there

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