It would be nice to have this. It would be cool to have that. But every possession is a responsibility.
You have to house it, store it, clean it, change the oil in it, pay tax on it, mow it, roof it, maintain it, find a place for it, look at it until you throw it out, etc.
When we are starting out in life we need to get a car, and then a nicer car, and then a house and a second car, and some furniture, ….
But at some point we have to shift from buying things because we can, to asking “Do I need this/want this bad enough, and will I still need/want it tomorrow?”
Saying “yes, I could, but no” is ok.
A simpler life is not a bad thing, in many ways.
I love this one, I have thought I was a bit off (compared with others) when thinking that “I don’t own the stuff, the stuff owns me”…..
I loved this segment, you and I think a lot alike on the subject. I’m not into buying luxuries but more like to buy assets. If I buy something I want it to produce something for me, employ someone, provide a service to someone or some other productive use. I don’t see the point in buying “trophies” and having them sit around as a liability. I say put it to good use or pass it to someone else who will.