Show up ready to go!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

This simple idea was brought to us from the comments section by Bill Whyte.

If you SHOW UP, and you are ready to go, you are ahead of most people. 

Showing up ready, physically, emotionally and with the right attitude, is half the battle.

Many people don’t get that far.

What do you think?


Rick Pilarski

I 100 percent agree!!

Cory Hanneman

Everyone likes to dance after a victory, but the # of folks who do the work to train for that is astonishingly low.


Agreed. My morning is designed around priming me for productivity, success and growth. It took me some time to understand the power of preparation, what it means and takes. For me, the work starts way before I hit the office. I love my morning rituals and the confidence that comes with really being ready to tackle my day! Once primed, execution and decision making is easier.
Great post.

Brenda Bryan

We often say to our kids — “half of life is just showing up”, and then if you can add “on time” and “prepared” to that, you’ve got it made!

Karl Bagwell

Totally Agree!!

Sheila Marr

Totally agree….. Just showing up doesn’t get the job done.

scott massey

I think that showing up ready to go is a learned trait and I am grateful for those who provided me with the lessons because passing it on can be a frustrating task.

Allen Burchell

True statement. The right attitude and frame of mind will carry over to prospective clients and to co-workers as well. Positivity breeds Positivity!

Willis Ponds

Success happens when opportunity meets preparedness. We have new opportunities everyday and if we come prepared we will have success!

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