Ideas matter. We say we live in a free society. We say we cherish our freedom.
We need laws to protect us from others violating our rights, property, and freedom.
So if I hurt someone or take their stuff, I am breaking the law and can be punished.
But what if we do nothing, and still violate the law? Is that free?
Can you think of examples of that?
Do you think that once the door is opened to force citizens to do things, that it can lead us down a bad road where leaders or a leader forces their vision of society on us?
(This has been tried many times before, and always with disastrous results.)
Sound off with the orange comment button, and see what others are saying.
Or force our employees to take an experimental jab.
You mean like opening our borders to let anyone come in illegally and seed our country with all kinds of unvetted people? By the thousands and ten thousands!! Not true you say. Didn’t hear that on the news? Well when the MSM and tech giants own the information flow, you would not know. That’s called suppression of information or censorship. Certainly not free speech. Those companies are collectively one voice owned by a handful of corporations. If you try
Or or stream Real America’s Voice,, or other alternative FREE information sites, you might get a different point of view. Then you would be able to make a better informed decision. Just sayin’. It’s easier to lie to someone than to convince someone they have been lied to! IMHO
The vaccine there trying to force is wrong and a complete toxin to the body. Not my words but mayo clinics and Cleveland clinic heads words
Not registering for the draft, not attending school as a minor, not showig up for jury duty are other examples.
It is beyond important that we protect our freedom…Sad to see that it has become a necessity in this country.
Spot on Larry !!! Thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom and common sense each day!!!
If we could wake up so we don’t turn into Australia…that’d be great!
A clear sign of danger is when they invoke “for the greater good”. America is a society of individuals and individual freedom, not conformity.
In most states it is mandatory for drivers to have car insurance. That works pretty well when someone runs into you
It depends on what were asked to do. Fight for for our country, vaccination to protect the elderly, the people who got to where we are, attend basic education, pay taxes. Part of doing what is required of us by law is simply being a citizen. I have done and will do my part and that keeps me free.
A quote by John Stuart Mill
who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews and stated: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
My sentiment made so succinct by this quote…no need for me to embellish
You are spot on Larry. People are trading our freedoms for what they believe is safety.
Unless you are sheltering in a cave with an overabundance of food and water and writing a manifesto on tablets, i.e., not even hunting for food, then you are doing “something”, which involves other people. The word Freedom in the Constitution does not mean what you and the Ayn Rand Institute have corrupted it to mean … the goal was a relinquishing of some individuality in order to perform a more perfect union, like defense and the roads that your companies make money from. If you are trying to vaguely refer to the vaccine, then again you are wrong because you can kill me by not taking the vaccine, and the ultimate libertarian politic is that “your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose”. Wake up and be part of society and government … would you prefer anarchy and war?
Freedom – like a women’s right to choose how to handle what happens to her own body. I agree – government should not be mandating that.
Amen. Strange things are afoot and its time we stand up and fight. I think the first time around it was for less reasons…. something about high taxes on tea or something if I recall. 😉
My Mom works in the Federal Government. She was forced to take the vaccine so that she could keep her job. If she wouldn’t have taken it. She would have lost her job and no pension
Larry, I agree that individual rights and freedoms are an essential part of our society and should be defended, but their are certain rights that apply to others that require our own opinions to take a back seat. Vaccines have improved our society and almost eradicated certain ailments that used to impact not only our individual lives but those around us. The right for a person to role the dice with their own health is acceptable provided they do not become the weapon in which others may lose the battle because of the initial choice…… I personally chose to get vaccinated twice to protect myself as well as my family , friends and co-workers. I also agree that those that chose to skip the jab cannot board a plane, train or go to a target rich environment like a sporting event as their choice should not affect others well being. In an era of covid it seems logical as well that Healthcare workers who are not vaccinated cannot report for work since their choice should not put the sick and elderly in a greater risk for complications due to covid. I also agree that people need to have a drivers license, insurrance and be sober when the get behind the wheel and cross paths with other people on the road. The Greater good is a valid reason in my opinion.
The vaccine only helps the person who took it from POSSIBLY not getting too sick. It does not prevent you from not giving it to others. Getting more than one is ridiculous. But mark these words, once they can scare you into doing this there will be no stopping them. The fear of dying has motivated them to see just how far they can go. Open your eyes people.
Well Larry, I expected this would incite a firestorm of comments! It’s really sad how divided this country has become over the vaccine (and other social issues). The way I feel about it is like the Bible says, “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return;” (Luke 12:48b) The same holds true for our freedoms. Our nation was founded on individual freedom but along with that was expected individual responsibility. For many years individual responsibility has been diminished to where the majority of society now doesn’t feel that they must be responsible for many/any of their actions. Without strong individual responsibility our freedoms will continue to be taken in order to try to maintain a semblance of orderly society. It’s a real sad state of affairs!