Leaders know when to wait

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Leadership is full of paradoxes.  

Be tough; be kind.  Learn from others; innovate something new.  Go big; don’t bet the farm.  Listen to others; make your own decisions.

Knowing WHEN to apply a strategy is the trick.

So, while leaders are decisive and clear, they also know when to do nothing and wait.  

When something is not a priority based on other things I have going on, I’ll put it aside.  Over time a small pile builds up.  After a long while, maybe months, I go through the pile and low and behold, most things don’t have to be done, have been worked out already, or are a clear NO anyway.

Prioritization means you have more things to do than you have time.  If one thing is to get prioritized, something else doesn’t get done (or delegated).  You may find many things don’t need to be done at all.  

Sometimes a decision is too complex and not clear enough.  If you wait on purpose, new information or events will come about to make the decision clearer.  

Have a bias for action – AND know when to wait.


Thanks Larry,
Your email motivated me to sit down and create my list to prioritize
Have happy day,


John Doe

This was hands down one of my least favorite Think Daily’s. I guess it’s ok to back burner your employees and weed out their ideas? This is especially hurtful if you work for a small company.

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