I was walking at a fall fair and I saw this guy with a T-Shirt that said: “I will when others won’t”.
The guy was jacked. He obviously spent a lot of time in the gym. Good for him.
Life is an opportunity – especially in this age in this place. It’s all available to us.
Unlike most of human history, nothing is being kept from us – we all have the same opportunity thanks to a long chain of events and people that came before us that we had nothing to do with, our Constitution and free-market capitalism and the standard of living and opportunities it causes others to bring to us for experiences and goals in all areas of life.
There is such abundance available, you can’t do or experience it all. However you can choose an area or two or three to be excellent in; or you can choose mediocrity, victimhood, and/or sloth.
The guy’s T-shirt was right. It’s not the “have’s and the have nots”, it’s the “wills and the will nots”.
You can’t complain. Your choice. Your chance.
Fantastic message—I fully agree! “Just Do It” was the famous Nike mantra. Do something! Live, Act, Be.
This is a great reminder that we all have opportunities we can choose to pursue – or not. Thanks for this message, Larry.
There is equality in opportunity for most things in life… but equality for outcome is not a guarantee.
Understanding this is what helped me ultimately start making drastic changes. I basically realized that I was solely responsible for everything happening in my life and that I had to facilitate any change I wanted to see.
I think the “I will when others won’t” attitude is a fantastic way to think and act and I’m definitely going to adopt it.
Thinking and energizing song for you: “Journey to Aurora” by “I Built the Sky”
100% right on perspective.
That Segway electric dirt bike looks fun! Baja next year?