Empower others to make decisions

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When a manager doesn’t trust others, or their ego wants to stay in control of everything and be the one who is best at doing everything, they will become the bottleneck and limiting factor, and their department will be stunted.

Empowering others to make decisions, and take responsibility and accountability is how you scale.  Essentially, the manager gives away part of their job to a team member.  Someone else doing a “85 is better than you doing a “100”.  This is because while you are doing a 100 you can’t do anything else, but while a team member is doing an 85, you can have many other people doing many other things.

You’re one person with the same amount of time as everyone else.  You don’t scale.  But you can scale through a bigger and better team if you lead them correctly.

Does this make sense?  Comment with the orange button!


Yes it makes sense.
Thank you for sharing.

Roger Turgeon

Facing this problem with a member of our lodge who doesn’t share information because it may make him weaker. Nobody can make a decision or do anything the way he does and it is alienating the rest of us to the point no one wants to do anything.
I really enjoy reading your blogs everyday and feel I learn a little something each time. Thank you for what you do.

Ken Hutchins

My first management job out of college , I was taught 90% make sure things got done and 10% have your own to do list. It was hard to adapt being the worker bee to the queen bee , but your email is dead on and hopefully been successful now 35 years in both business – coaching and family by trusting people and hiring better people then myself

Steve Whitman

This is totally true. There are many more things to get done and this practice is a great toll to build your future leaders.

AnnMarie Knobloch

This is very true! This is what I have been screaming from the roof tops!

Walter Johnson

Where you came from on my email I don’t know, but I really look forward to your stuff.

Thank you
Walter Johnson

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