Do you have an employee of the week?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Why not?  It’s free -or close to it!

You could put a white board where everyone can see it and just write their name up there.

You could buy them lunch.

You could get pizza and when it comes in you could have everyone huddle around and say what they like about the person.

You could put a box where people vote for who should be employee of the week and why, and take input from managers.

Don’t just name the superstars all the time.  Be sure to recognize the steady, quiet supporters who enable them.

What do you suppose happens to a person when they are named employee of the week?  When they go home and tell their family, how do you suppose it makes them feel?

Will you start this week?

Nancie G

Such a great idea Larry!
We have a Chamber member who is a solopreneur — he will include in his introduction occasionally that he was the Employee of the week/month/quarter/year.

Mary Lawrence

We have an employee of the quarter and it’s a lot of fun. Nominations are made mostly be coworkers and managers. They fill out a form and put it in a drop box. We read them at our weekly Owner’s meeting and pick a winner at the end of every quarter. The winner hears all of the good things that were said about them, it goes in our monthly employee newsletter, facebook, they get a “ribbon” on their photo in the office for the next quarter. They also get an extra PTO day or a gift card if it is a commission paid employee.

Ben Bates

We’ve had each guy on the Sales Team shout out someone every week. We put the white board by the punch clock! It’s fun.

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