John Ciovacco

What are some models for “paying for results”? We have hourly employees and pay overtime. No relationship to results in compensation except for differences in base hourly wage. When one of my technicians makes a mistake and he needs to spend more time to fix it, he gets paid more as the project margins shrink.


That may be true in a market saturated with job seekers and in the executive positions where the salary and benefits package might keep the person motivated and results oriented. However, in hourly, lower pay entry level positions where a person might not even possess the skill to complete a task properly performance pay might not be applicable. Our goal is to train and develop skilled craftsman and tie their performance and production output to their compensation. However, in this tight labor market we’re having trouble filling entry level positions.

Rob Videon

Loved the new book enjoyed it on Pandora awesome!

Dr. Michael Barone

Hi Larry,
Just a heads-up: On Pandora, there are over 100 suggestions when you search “Iron Sharpens Iron”. It’s easier to search “Larry Janesky”, and the title pops up.

Roger Turgeon

Larry, I was unable to find Iron Sharpens Iron on Pandora. Do I need a paid subscription?

Jeff stevens

Good bonds between father and son are like the mortar between two good stones. Irreplaceable. When you get it. There’s no stopping the team. Apparent in your drive to have a successful business. Wonderfull to watch. Thanks

Nate Proper

Good book Larry, thanks for sharing!

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